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Weekly reminder 9th - 13th December 2024

Whole School

Boiler and Heating 

We have an engineer coming to look at the boiler on Tuesday. We are hoping for good news and will update to as soon as possible. In the meantime, please continue to send children in the effected classes to school with warm layers.

OPAL Donations

We would absolutely love some old wheely suitcases. If you have any at home, please bring them to the school office. We can ONLY accept ones with wheels that work please.

Call for a Santa

We are looking for a parent to come in and visit our class parties on 19th December from 1pm dressed as Santa. If you would like to do this, please email Santa costume will be provided. Thank you!

Festive events in school

As well as the many shows and performances listed below, we have the following festive events:

· 18th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas lunch. Please bring in £1 for Save the Children and EducAid.

· 19th December - Class parties. Children can come to school dressed in their party clothes. Please note, there is no need to provide any food for the parties.

· 20th December – As it is the last day of term, school will close at 1.30pm. there are no Activity Clubs or Night Owls on this date and you have not been charged for a session.


Please complete the form below to give permission for your child to perform by Monday 9th December. Please note that as this event is outside of school hours, your child will not be able to perform if we do not have your consent. Tickets will also go on general sale on Monday 9th December.

Year 5&6 Permission -

Year 3&4 Permission -

Raffle Prizes for the Winter Concert - On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December will be holding our annual Christmas Concert featuring all children in Year 5 and 6. Funds raised from the concert will go to EducAid, our school partner charity. We will hold a raffle on each evening of the concert, if you or someone you know would be able to donate goods or services as prizes for this the we would be very grateful! Please contact Miss Vetch if you can help. Thanks

Activity Clubs

Activity Clubs (Year 1-6) for the Spring Term 2025 will open for bookings on Monday 9th December at 8.00pm.

Lost Property

Please remember to name your child’s property. We have a shocking number of unnamed items every week.

Any unnamed lost property will be donated weekly to charity shops and FOC.

Biblio Buzz

Biblio Buzz orders via the school have now closed however, you can still purchase the book packs from Muswell Hill Children’s Book Shop. Packs that have been pre-ordered via school will be delivered and distributed next week. The dates and time of the book clubs will be confirmed soon.

Eco Reminders

Community Gardening - Wednesday 11th December, 3.45-4.30 on the school allotment (to the left of the main hall, just behind the playhouse). FREE, drop-in session with Mrs Greene. Join us for some festive fun at this last session of the year. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Road Safety Competition – Deadline Friday 13th December
Years 1-6 are invited to enter our school road safety competition following our assembly this week. Any creative project about road safety can be entered – e.g. poem, animation, film, poster, cake. Give entries (or a photo of it) to your class teacher or send in by email.


The Nursery Sing-a-Longs will be On Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am and 2.30pm.


The Nativities will be on the following dates:

Chaffinch – Monday 9th December at 3pm

Dove – Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am

Eagle – Tuesday 10th December 3pm

Year 2

The Year 2 performances of the Nut Cracker will be on the following dates:

Kingfisher – Thursday 12th December 9.15am

Kestrel - Thursday 12th December 3pm

Kookaburra – Friday 13th December 9.25am

Please wrap up warm as there is no heating in the hall currently.