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Weekly reminder 13th - 17th January 2025

Happy New Year! Please see the weekly reminders below.

Reporting absence

If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, you must let the school know this by 9AM at the latest. You can report absence by phoning the school on 0208 883 0608 or by using the ‘Reporting Absence’ form on the website. You must let us know for each day of absence, or let us know when you expect your child to be well enough to return to school.

Year One

Flamingo Class assembly is next Friday, the 17th. Please come along to watch the assembly, straight after drop off. The assembly will be in the Main Hall. You are also invited to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a biscuit after the assembly.

Year Two

On the 29th January, at 2:30PM, we would like to invite parents and carers to join us to prepare and enjoy healthy fruit snacks that the children will be designing in our next Design Technology sequence. We will be doing this in the classrooms. The children would also like to celebrate all their other learning with you after the activity by showing you their books. If you are unable to attend, we will take photographs of the event which will be posted on Google Classroom.

Year Three

Miss Queeney has had a wonderful week with Magpie Class and is looking forward to the year ahead. She looks forward to meeting you all as the term progresses.

Year Four

In PSHE this term, with Mrs Marshall, the children are learning about dreams and goals. On Wednesday 15th, Year 4 will be creating their dreams in a 45-minute lesson through various media. The children have already planned what they would like to do, and they have the option to bring in things from home to help create their dream. For example, they could bring in some magazine pictures of footballers where they can create a collage, or some fabric and fabric pens to show their fashion design vision! You do not need to go out to buy anything for this; some resources will be provided by the school.

Year Six

Mrs Stapleton would like to pass on that she’s had a great week with the Woodpeckers and is very impressed with them. She is looking forward to the rest of the term and year.