Weekly reminder 20th - 24th January 2025
Whole School
Lost Property
Please note any clothing that is not clearly named will be donated to Friends of Coldfall each Friday for their second-hand uniform sales.
Any named lost property will be returned to your child’s class or can be collected from the playground every Friday after school.
We are excited to introduce woodwork to our children in the Early Years this term. Woodwork is popular with young children and provides a rich source of enjoyment as well as learning. It helps develop children’s imagination and creativity as well as practical skills. The impact is long term.
A full risk assessment has been carried out for woodwork activities and the children will be supervised at all times in a designated woodwork area. Only 4 children will be in the woodwork area at any time, accompanied by a member of staff. Woodwork is actually a low-risk activity when introduced and supervised correctly. It allows children to experience risk in a controlled situation, providing opportunities for making judgements and learning to self-risk assess.
Initially, children will be taught how to use the tools safely and will be given the opportunity to try techniques in appropriate ways. Once they have mastered basic skills, the children will move into open ended exploration, making unique creations for themselves.
We look forward to sharing the children’s new skills with you over the coming months.
Year 1
It is Goldfinch Class assembly on Friday 24th January. Please come along to watch the assembly, straight after drop off. The assembly will be in the Main Hall. You are also invited to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a biscuit after the assembly.
Year 2
On the 29th January, at 2.30PM, we would like to invite parents and carers to join us to prepare and enjoy healthy fruit snacks that the children will be designing in our next Design Technology sequence. We will be doing this in the classrooms. The children would also like to celebrate all their other learning with you after the activity by showing you their books. If you are unable to attend, we will take photographs of the event which will be posted on Google Classroom.