Weekly reminder 24th - 28th March 2025
Whole School
Head Lice
We have an unusually high number of cases of head lice in school at the moment. Please check your child’s hair this weekend and treat them if needed. Please also ensure all children with long hair tie their hair back whilst at school. Thank you.
Easter Movie Event
Easter comes to Coldfall on Friday 28th March!
Friends of Coldfall are holding a Year 4 cake sale on the upper playground from 3.20 - 3.45pm.
Then join us for our Easter Movie event where we will be showing Hop. Doors will open at 6.15pm. Tickets can be purchased from: https://www.pta-events.co.uk/friendsofcoldfall/
Night Owls Friday 28th March
Due to and FOC movie event taking place in the Main Hall, all Night Owls children in Year 1-6 will be in the Lower Hall from 5pm.
Holiday Camp at Coldfall
We still have some spaces in our Easter camp! You can top up your Arbor account and book under Activities – Clubs – Easter Holiday Camp. If you are using childcare vouchers to pay, please email the office before booking. Thank you.
Club Bookings
Booking for Night Owls and Breakfast Club will open on 24th March at 8pm. You will be able to book Activity Clubs for the summer term from 31st March at 8pm.
You are invited to stay and play on the following days:
Tue 1st April - Y5 and Y2 OPAL stay and play 9-10am
Weds 2nd April - Y3 and Y1 OPAL stay and play -9-10am
Thursday 3rd April - Y4 and Y6 OPAL stay and play - 9-10am
All are welcome!
Community Gardening
Our free Community Gardening sessions restart next Wednesday 5th on our school allotment with Mrs Greene and we will be planting seeds to grow vegetables at home. All welcome - no experience or commitment required!
Who: Parents/Grandparents/Carers/Staff and up to two children
(adults must stay to supervise them)
When: Weds 2nd April 3:45 – 4:30
Where: School allotment (fenced off area left of the dining hall) behind playhouse
Bring: Nothing required, but bring gardening gloves if you have them
If your child has piano, violin or singing lessons at school, you are invited to watch them perform on the following dates:
Friday 28th March 2:45pm Lower Hall – Naomi Kilby Voice students
Monday 31st March 3:00pm Lower Hall – Laura Woods Voice students
Wednesday 2nd April 9:10am Lower Hall – Pablo Castro Violin students (pupils to arrive at 8:50 to tune instruments and warm-up)
Please arrive 5 minutes before the start of each performance.
Lost Property
Please note any clothing that is not clearly named will be donated to Friends of Coldfall each Friday for their second-hand uniform sales.
Any named lost property will be returned to your child’s class or can be collected from the playground every Friday after school.
Year 3
Year 3 will be making scarecrows later this half term in their Green School lessons, to protect the vegetables we’ll be growing in the allotment.
Each class will need some old clothes to stuff to make the scarecrows. If you can donate any of the following unwanted clothes, we would be very grateful:
- Children’s pyjamas (long sleeved)
- Long sleeved T-shirts
- Leggings
Please give them to your child’s class teacher who will pass them on to me. Any extras will be donated to charity.
Thank you!
Mrs Greene
Eagle and Dove classes are heading to Freightliner’s Farm on Thursday 27th March and Chaffinch will be going on Friday 28th.
Year 5
Year 5 will be visiting London Zoo on Tuesday 25th March.
Robin Class have their cycle training next week.
Year 6
Year 6 will visit the RAF Museum on Thursday 17th March.
You are invited to come and watch the Year 6 Samba Competition on Wednesday 26th March 3pm in the Main Hall. Children should come in their school uniform and bring colourful clothing and accessories to change into for the competition. We hope to see many of you there.