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Intent, Implementation and Impact


Our curriculum meets and exceeds the expectations of the National Curriculum. We intend for our children to know more, do more and remember more and for there to be a change in our children’s long-term memory. Our curriculum is ambitious for all learners, particularly our disadvantaged pupils, and pupils with SEND, giving them the knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in life.

Work in humanities, for each half-term, is led by a unit of learning on either History or Geography. Where appropriate learning in English is linked to these units of learning. PE, Music, Design and Technology, RE, Computing and Art and Science are all taught discretely.

At Coldfall, we want our children to use their knowledge, skills and understanding to have a positive impact on themselves, their families, their community and the wider world. This is why we have the following themes, known as our ’Golden Threads’, running through our curriculum that reflect Coldfall’s specific context and community. These are:


Implementation describes the way in which we deliver our intent consistently each day. To do this, we have carefully designed our knowledge-rich curriculum. This is designed to enable learners to acquire relevant subject knowledge which underpins the application of skills. Skills are carefully and progressively mapped across each key stage and discrete subject area.

Long-term, medium-term and short-term planning is sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge. The five stages of learning cycle ensures teachers are checking for pupils’ understanding systematically, identifying misconceptions quickly and supporting children’s long-term memory. Assessment in the foundation subjects consists of schema maps, content quizzes, retrieval activities and ongoing formative assessment.

Reading is a priority. Interventions for reading take precedence over any other academic learning in the curriculum. Reading books are connected closely to the phonics knowledge pupils are taught when learning to read (Read Write Inc Book Bag Books). The importance of language and vocabulary development is recognised from the Early Years right through to Year 6.

Key knowledge and vocabulary is consolidated and secured into long-term memory by specific and regular retrieval opportunities, which are deliberately spaced and planned for. This ensures that by the time children leave Coldfall they have learned and are able to recall and apply the key information that we feel is important in order for them to be successful in the future.

Composite and components of learning

Knowledge is taught through exploring a question that is shared with the children at the beginning of a unit. Teachers plan and deliver a series of lessons that provides the children with the knowledge (substantive) and skills (disciplinary) to demonstrate full and considered responses to this enquiry through the component parts of the unit. Subject leaders are integral to the planning process and understand and can explain the rationale for the pathway that their subjects take. Progression of knowledge and skills is carefully mapped across all Key Stages.


The curriculum is enhanced by carefully planned visits, activities, community links, skill workshops, and life experiences that enhance the learning of our children. These are deliberately chosen so that there is not repetition and a broad range of curriculum subjects can benefit.


Children leave Coldfall Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content they have been taught. Termly and end-of-year assessments are above National Expectation for all pupil groups and their books showcase their learning journey. Children can talk confidently about their learning using subject-specific vocabulary accurately and appropriately. Our SEND provision, and the adaptations that teachers make within lessons, ensure SEND children achieve to their full potential and make good progress from their starting points.

Children at Coldfall are well-rounded, capable and caring individuals who are exemplary citizens. Children have the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to lead a rich and fulfilling life, with positive relationships, and a strong sense of commitment to making a positive contribution to the world.

Science Overview

Science Subject Leader Biograghy

I am a Primary School Teacher with over 20 years of experience, 11 of which have been in senior leadership roles. As the Science Subject Leader, I am dedicated to ensuring that science is a dynamic and engaging part of our curriculum. While my expertise primarily lies in leading English, teaching, and leadership, I prioritise bringing in external support. This includes collaborating with STEM ambassadors, organising science fairs that feature experts from various fields of science and technology, and offering outdoor learning opportunities to enrich the science experience for our students. These initiatives provide children with valuable 'science capital,' offering experiences such as participating in science competitions and connecting with real-world applications of science. I take great pride in my role, not only as Science Lead but also as a member of the pastoral team. I firmly believe that children need to feel happy and safe before they can truly thrive as learners, and I work hard to ensure that our school is a supportive environment where every child can flourish.

Ms King – Assistant Headteacher, Science Subject Lead, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead

History Overview

History Subject Leader Biograghy

I truly enjoy being the history lead at Coldfall. Growing up in York, a city with a rich historical heritage, I developed a deep curiosity about the past from an early age. Surrounded by Roman ruins and medieval landmarks, I was fascinated by the stories of history. This interest led me to study Classical Civilisation at A-level and later pursue a degree in History. Now, as history lead at Coldfall, I am excited to use my knowledge to inspire the next generation of historians. It is incredibly rewarding to share what I have learned and help students explore the past, make connections to the present, and develop a lifelong passion for history. I am proud to contribute to Coldfall’s vibrant history community and look forward to continuing to shape the historians of the future.

Helen Winstanley – Class Teacher and History Subject Lead

Geography Overview


Geography Subject Leader Biograghy

I am the Geography Subject Lead at Coldfall Primary School, driven by a passion for both physical and human geography. My interest was sparked during a field trip to study glaciers, which led me to pursue Geography at A-level. Living abroad for four years allowed me to immerse myself in a new culture, deepening my fascination with human geography and the connection of global communities. I am committed to inspiring children to understand and appreciate the world around them, helping them explore both the natural environment and the diverse cultures that shape our world.

Katy Bruce Class Teacher, Geography Lead 

PSHE Overview

PSHE Subject Leader Biography

I am a primary school teacher with over 20 years’ experience and have worked in Cambridge and across London. As PSHE lead, I really want all children to leave Coldfall equipped to navigate the world. I think it is vital for our children to learn about how to be friends with each other and how to respect themselves and others throughout their lives. PSHE is a subject which has often been neglected in schools but I am proud that at Coldfall we ringfence this time to make sure the children have the opportunity to develop their social skills and learn about healthy living.

Emily Gazzard – Deputy Headteacher, Behaviour and Assessment Lead

Art Overview


Art Subject Leader Biograghy

As our Art subject leader, I want our Art curriculum to equip our children with the skills to understand and interpret a diverse range of art, develop their drawing, painting and sculpting skills and help them to find enjoyment in creative expression.  I have a lifelong love of the visual arts and am regularly to be found making use of my Teacher Art Pass and Tate membership in the many galleries across London and beyond.  I am passionate about diversifying the Art curriculum and showing the children that the role of Artist is vital to our society and is an aspirational career path for everyone.  As recent research has shown, regular exposure to arts and culture improves quality of life and health outcomes and gives people a sense of meaning.  At Coldfall we are providing the foundation for these lifelong benefits through our careful planning, gallery visits and participation in Art competitions and artist workshops.  I am always looking for new ways to inspire our community to express themselves!

Caroline Gardiner – Class Teacher and Art Subject Lead

Music Overview

Music Subject Leader Biograghy

I began playing the piano at the age of 4, and music has since been central to my life. After completing my Vocal and Operatic degree at The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in 2006, I worked as a professional classical singer. From 2009 to 2010, I staged operas with inmates at HMP Wandsworth, which highlighted music’s transformative impact. In 2011, I earned a PGCE in Music Education and began teaching in East London.

In 2014, I became Head of Music at Coldfall Primary while completing a Masters in Arts Education at King’s College, London. My belief in music’s power drives me to ensure all pupils receive high-quality music education, helping them become lifelong musicians. In 2019, I was appointed Specialist Leader of Education, working with schools and music organisations to improve music learning opportunities.

I love my job and am continually inspired by the enthusiasm and talent of Coldfall pupils. Music, aside from my children, is the greatest gift in my life, and I aim to share it with as many people as possible.

Kate Vetch – Music Subject Lead

Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Overview

Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Subject Leader Biograghy

I fell in love with learning languages after spending my secondary school years at an international school where I learnt French, German, Russian and Japanese. I was fortunate enough to continue to use my French after finishing university when I lived and worked in France for 2 years. I have learnt first-hand the benefits and opportunities that arise from language learning, and, as MFL lead, I am focused on ensuring we provide memorable linguistic opportunities for our children here at Coldfall. 

While I have led the MFL curriculum at Coldfall for over 10 years, I have spent 2 of those years as the resident French teacher where I taught all children in the school each week. This experience enabled me to develop our French curriculum into something unique for Coldfall. We now use Language Angels as our platform and within that we have tailored units of work that match other learning areas in each year group. We ensure that there are lots of opportunities included for role-play and have a real focus on developing oracy.

My aim is for all children to enjoy and appreciate language learning and to inspire them use their passion for languages throughout their lives. 

Ceri Roberts- Class teacher and MFL lead 

Computing Overview

Computing Subject Leader Biograghy

As the Computing Subject Lead at Coldfall Primary School, I am responsible for overseeing the development and delivery of the computing curriculum, ensuring it meets both the educational needs of our pupils and the latest technological advancements. I regularly evaluate the school's resources, ensuring they are up-to-date and appropriate for students’ learning. By implementing more physical computing throughout the curriculum, allowing pupils to engage with tangible, hands-on learning experiences. By incorporating tools like programmable robots, sensors, and micro: bits, it has been rewarding to foster creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills into our young learners. I am passionate about encouraging students to be curious, creative, and confident in their use of technology, preparing them for future challenges in a digital world. My role allows me to inspire both pupils and staff in harnessing the power of technology for education.

Damian Mason – Class Teacher and Computing Subject Lead

PE Overview

PE Subject Leader Biograghy

I am a primary school teacher with 25 years of experience in sports teaching, having spent 10 years as the subject leader for PE at Coldfall. I have dedicated most of my career to inspiring and engaging young students in Physical Education. Throughout my career, I have drawn upon my experience of playing a variety of sports at a high level, which has greatly influenced my approach to teaching. I am extremely passionate about sport and believe in providing opportunities for all children to get involved, helping them experience the joy and benefits of physical activity. My goal is to give every child a positive and engaging experience in PE and to help foster a love for physical activity, encouraging them to lead healthy and active lives. I use PE and sport not only to help children excel but also as tools to experience success and teach important life skills.

Mitchell Browning – PE Subject Lead

afPE Quality Mark for Physical Education, School Sport & Physical Activity

Dear Mitchell,

afPE Quality Mark for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity

Thank you for your application for the Quality Mark award.

The assessment panel has considered your application, together with the feedback from the  validation, and afPE is delighted to award your school the Quality Mark for ‘demonstrating good  commitment to improvement in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity’.

Your award is valid for three years, commencing March 2025.

The validator has highlighted the following reasons for the award:

• The Headteacher is extremely supportive of Physical Education, School Sport and  Physical Activity (PESSPA)

• The Physical Education subject leader is passionate about involving all children and is  dedicated to improving the provision of PESSPA 

• The curriculum plan and the organisation of teaching and learning is good. 

• The range of after school clubs, and numbers of children attending, is incredible

• PESSPA is a valued area of the curriculum by the children and whole staff.

You will receive a certificate, and your school will also be listed on the afPE Quality Mark webpage.  In addition, the Association will submit a report to the Department for Education (DfE) which will  include details of the successful applicants. There is always a possibility that a representative  from the DfE or Sport England may wish to visit your school.

On behalf of the Association, I would like to offer you our congratulations.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Thornton-Bousfield

afPE Chief Executive Officer

Coldfall Primary School afPE Quality Mark Award Letter

Quality Mark Certificates