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Weekly reminder 18th-22nd September

Whole School

  • As stated in our September Headlines, we are beginning our journey this year to transform the children’s play experience with an organisation called OPAL. We would like to hear from parents and carers about our current playtime. Please complete the survey linked below by Friday 22nd September.

  • Peripatetic instrumental and vocal lessons will commence in the next few weeks. Some teachers have already started their lessons, and others will be starting later in the month. Please remember that pupils receive 10 lessons per term, this does not equate to one lesson per week. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned if your child has not yet had a lesson, they will still receive their full quota of lessons.

Over 400 children have weekly lessons in school and therefore we politely request you do not contact the school office or Miss Vetch unless your child has not had a lesson for three consecutive weeks. If a teacher is absent for an extended period of time and this impacts your child’s lessons you will be notified by either Miss Vetch or Haringey Music Service. Thank you for your understanding.

  • If your child has lost their guitar, please contact Miss Vetch as it is likely one of the many guitars that have been left in the practice rooms. Any remaining guitars will be returned to Haringey Music Service after 25th September.
  • Please be reminded of the following information regarding drop off and pick up from school:

Breakfast Clubs (EYFS and Early Birds) – Entry and exit via Everington Road only. Please drop your children off no earlier than 8.00am.

Activity Clubs – Entry and exit via Coldfall Avenue and Everington Road. Children should be collected at 4.40pm. Any late pick-ups will be from the school office.

Night Owls and EYFS After School Club – Entry and exit via Everington Road only until 6.00pm.

During the School Day – If you are dropping off or picking up your child, dropping off forgotten items, or coming in for a meeting/event, please enter and exit the school via the Everington Road gate.

Please do not stay on the school site once you have dropped off or picked up under any circumstances. Please do not prop the gates open.

NB at certain times access is restricted to only the Everington Road Gate due to the need to manage safe access to the school site.

  • We are regularly having to deal with situations where children are discussing things that they have seen online, which are not age appropriate. Please be mindful about what your children have access to, and how the apps they are using work. We recommend strongly to restrict access to apps like Tik-Tok, for which no primary age school pupil is old enough to use. Please also be aware that most Tik-Tok videos are easily watchable as YouTube shorts. Both Tik Tok and Youtube will automatically play a video when one has finished, children can easily end up being exposed to something that they did not originally search for or want to view. Please remember that the school has a subscription to the National Online Safety platform. This is a great resource that can help you to make informed decisions about how to protect your children online. The service has guides on how to ensure the settings on apps are as child friendly as possible.

Here is the link to sign up to the National Online Safety platform:

  • Please remember that children in Year 1- 6 can practise their spellings online, on Spelling Shed. You can log in from a web browser or through the app. Your children have been sent home with their log in details. Attached is the parent guide to Spelling Shed with guidance for how to log in.
  • Children should not be wearing jewellery to school. Only stud earrings and religious necklaces tucked in are allowed. Religious necklaces must be removed for PE for health and safety reasons. Similarly, long hair should be tied back whilst at school.
  • Please note that, if your child is no longer attending an Activity Club (such as Art or Football), we will not be able to issue a refund. This is because we rely on the income from club bookings to pay staff and keep the clubs running. This, and other information regarding Activity clubs, is in the FAQs section of the Extra Curricula Activities page on our website:


The Reception class meeting will be on Friday 22nd at 2.30pm in the Lower Hall. Please come along if you can.

Year 6

Year 6 class meetings will be held in the classrooms at 3pm on Monday 18th September.

The Tollesbury meeting will take place at 6pm on Monday 25th September in the Main Hall. The Kit List has been sent to you via email.