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Weekly reminder 22nd – 26th April 2024

Whole School

Our school nurse invites all parents and carers to a coffee morning on Friday 26th April at 9.30am in the training room. She will do a short presentation about minor childhood illnesses and healthy lifestyles and take questions.

Year 6

Next week we are continuing to work on our art skills to build a whole class collage of our class bird in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
As we are doing observational drawings, it would be very helpful if each child could bring in an extra piece or pieces of fruit or vegetables to sketch (as most art lessons occur after morning break). We also need fruit and vegetable packaging- for example netting, paper bags or plastic packaging to add to the collage. We will need this from Monday 22nd, so please bring it in as soon as you can.
The usual homework books will also restart this week and these have been set as usual on Google Classroom.