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Weekly reminder 6th May – 10th May 2024

Whole School

  • We are excited to announce the launch of our new website on Tuesday 7th May! Please look out for a the link which will be sent to you on Tuesday.
  • Community Litter Pick - We are joining forces with other local primary schools to clean up our beautiful ancient woodland, Coldfall Woods, that we all love so much.  Please join us if you can!  Children need to accompanied by an adult. We will have litter pickers for the first 30 groups who arrive.

Date:     Wednesday 15th May
Time:    3.45 – 4.30
Place:    Meet in the woods by the gate that goes directly into the woods from the nature trail (go down the path closest to school that leads from Everington Road into the woods, and you’ll see a blue fence on the left – we’ll meet there).

Bring:    A bag for your rubbish, gardening gloves if you have them.

Year 1

Year 1 will have a visit from Hornsey Fire Brigade on Thursday.

Year 4

We are really looking forward to the upcoming trips to Phasels Wood. Please see the attached kit list and ensure your child has everything they need for the trip. If you do not have a sleeping bag, one can be borrowed from school. Please email the school office if you would like to borrow a sleeping bag.

Year 5

Swan and Swift Class will be heading to Pizza Express this week on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Robin will be going in June.