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Weekly Reminders

May 2024

  • Weekly reminder 3rd April – 7th April 2024

    Published 29/05/24
    • Monday 3rd June is Class Photo Day, please ensure your child is wearing school uniform even if it is not their PE Day.
    • Mr Coetzee has nearly finished the mud kitchen area for our outdoor play. Thank you! To make it a magical, creative, scientific, mathematical and sociable play area we desperately need donations of the following:
    • mashers, wooden spoons, sieves, whisks
    • oold metal tea pots
    • oold scales and measuring jugs
    • oold metal pots and pans,
    • oold cupcake tins
    • pestle and mortar
    • Shells or stones
    • Pine cones
    • An old chalk board
    • You are invited to a language and communication workshop on Thursday 6th June. Please see the attached flyer for the full details.
    • Uniform – as the weather warms up please ensure that, if children are wearing sandals, they are appropriate for school i.e., no flip flops or Crocs as these are not suitable for running and cause accidents. Thank you.


    Payment for the choir trip to Birmingham on 5th July is due by Monday 3rd June.

    Year 1

    Year 1 are performing an African Music Concert on Friday 7th June at 3pm in Lower Hall. Please arrive 5 mins before.

    Year 3

    All Year 3 pupils should have their own recorder which they leave in school in order to be able to participate in year group rehearsals for the upcoming concert.

    Year 5

    Robin Class are heading to Pizza Express on Wednesday 5th June.

    There will be a Gospel Concert for Year 5 on Thursday 6th June at 3pm in Lower Hall. Please arrive five minutes before the start of the performance.

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  • Weekly reminder 20th May – 24th May 2024

    Published 17/05/24

    Whole School

    Any items such as lunchboxes, water bottles or musical instruments that are left at home must be dropped off by 9.30am at the latest. Please do not drop off any forgotten items after this time as it is incredibly disruptive for the office.

    Please share this message with anyone who collects your child: Children are not allowed to stay and play in the school playground after pick up from Nursery, School, Activity Clubs or Night Owls. Please exit the school site as soon as your child has been collected.

    Activity Club pick-up is at 4.40pm. The gate is opened daily at 4.35pm to allow you time to walk to the pick-up point. Please do not come to collect your child before this time unless this is arranged in advance.

    Year 2

    Year 2 have an exciting week ahead! On Monday they will be visited by Highgate Honey, and on Tuesday they are heading to Kew Gardens. Please ensure they have their packed lunch and are dressed appropriately for the weather on Tuesday.

    Year 4
    Peacock Class will be heading to Phasels Wood on Thursday 23rd May. We hope the children will have a wonderful time!

    Year 6

    The children in Y6 have auditions on Tuesday for the Y6 production. They will come home with a script for part of a scene to practise over the weekend. The children will have time to rehearse in groups on Monday.

    Some children are choosing to have a singing audition. The words and backing track for the audition song have been uploaded to Google Classroom.

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  • Weekly reminder 13th May – 19th May 2024

    Published 14/05/24

    Whole School

    Warm and sunny weather:

    • Children should not be wearing sunglasses to school. Instead, they can bring in a sun hat labelled with their full name.
    • Please apply sun cream to your child before school. Children can bring in their own sun cream (with their name on) if they are able to reapply this themselves. Teachers will not be able to help your child apply sun cream.

    Any items such as lunchboxes, water bottles or musical instruments that are left at home must be dropped off by 9.30am at the latest. Please do not drop off any forgotten items after this time as it is incredibly disruptive for the office.

    Don't forget about our Community Litter Pick on Wednesday 15th May at 3.45pm. 


    On Tuesday 14th May Reception will be heading to the local Methodist church. They will have lunch at school as usual.

    Year 1

    Year 1 will be visiting the Tower of London on the following days:

    Flamingo – Wednesday 15th, Hummingbird Thursday 16th and Goldfinch Friday 17th May. Please ensure they have a comfortable and weather appropriate jacket and shoes, as well as a packed lunch.

    Year 2

    Year 2 are having a special still life plant workshop on Monday 13th May.

    Year 3

    On Wednesday 15th May Year 3 will be going on a trip to Alexandra Palace. Please ensure they have a comfortable and weather appropriate jacket and shoes, as well as a packed lunch.

    Year 4

    On Thursday 16th May, Puffin class will embark upon their trip to Phasels Wood. Let’s hope the weather remains sunny for them. Please refer to the kit list attached.

    Year 6

    On Tuesday 2nd July Year 6 will enjoy an evening at the theatre. Please see the letter sent on Tuesday 7th May.

    Next week is SATS week. Please read the email sent by Mr Marshall earlier today.

    Year 6 children who wish to access the field in muddy conditions may do so if they bring wellies to school. Each boot must be labelled with their full name.

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  • Weekly reminder 6th May – 10th May 2024

    Published 07/05/24

    Whole School

    • We are excited to announce the launch of our new website on Tuesday 7th May! Please look out for a the link which will be sent to you on Tuesday.
    • Community Litter Pick - We are joining forces with other local primary schools to clean up our beautiful ancient woodland, Coldfall Woods, that we all love so much.  Please join us if you can!  Children need to accompanied by an adult. We will have litter pickers for the first 30 groups who arrive.

    Date:     Wednesday 15th May
    Time:    3.45 – 4.30
    Place:    Meet in the woods by the gate that goes directly into the woods from the nature trail (go down the path closest to school that leads from Everington Road into the woods, and you’ll see a blue fence on the left – we’ll meet there).

    Bring:    A bag for your rubbish, gardening gloves if you have them.

    Year 1

    Year 1 will have a visit from Hornsey Fire Brigade on Thursday.

    Year 4

    We are really looking forward to the upcoming trips to Phasels Wood. Please see the attached kit list and ensure your child has everything they need for the trip. If you do not have a sleeping bag, one can be borrowed from school. Please email the school office if you would like to borrow a sleeping bag.

    Year 5

    Swan and Swift Class will be heading to Pizza Express this week on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Robin will be going in June.

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May 2024