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Weekly reminder 13th May – 19th May 2024

Whole School

Warm and sunny weather:

  • Children should not be wearing sunglasses to school. Instead, they can bring in a sun hat labelled with their full name.
  • Please apply sun cream to your child before school. Children can bring in their own sun cream (with their name on) if they are able to reapply this themselves. Teachers will not be able to help your child apply sun cream.

Any items such as lunchboxes, water bottles or musical instruments that are left at home must be dropped off by 9.30am at the latest. Please do not drop off any forgotten items after this time as it is incredibly disruptive for the office.

Don't forget about our Community Litter Pick on Wednesday 15th May at 3.45pm. 


On Tuesday 14th May Reception will be heading to the local Methodist church. They will have lunch at school as usual.

Year 1

Year 1 will be visiting the Tower of London on the following days:

Flamingo – Wednesday 15th, Hummingbird Thursday 16th and Goldfinch Friday 17th May. Please ensure they have a comfortable and weather appropriate jacket and shoes, as well as a packed lunch.

Year 2

Year 2 are having a special still life plant workshop on Monday 13th May.

Year 3

On Wednesday 15th May Year 3 will be going on a trip to Alexandra Palace. Please ensure they have a comfortable and weather appropriate jacket and shoes, as well as a packed lunch.

Year 4

On Thursday 16th May, Puffin class will embark upon their trip to Phasels Wood. Let’s hope the weather remains sunny for them. Please refer to the kit list attached.

Year 6

On Tuesday 2nd July Year 6 will enjoy an evening at the theatre. Please see the letter sent on Tuesday 7th May.

Next week is SATS week. Please read the email sent by Mr Marshall earlier today.

Year 6 children who wish to access the field in muddy conditions may do so if they bring wellies to school. Each boot must be labelled with their full name.