Attendance & Absence
The School’s Expectation
We set very high standards with regard to attendance and consider good attendance to be 95% or better. Your child should be in school every day unless he or she is ill. If your child is absent for any reason, please inform the school via the Arbor App or by calling the school and selecting the absence line option. Please do this by 9:30AM at the latest. Unexplained absences are always queried by calling home.
Time Off During Term Time
Please note that whenever possible medical and dental appointments should be booked outside school hours. If this is not possible, please complete this form and email it to Children should return to school promptly after appointments and be signed out and in at the welcome desk.
Holidays in Term Time
Please note the Head Teacher may not authorise absence in term time except in exceptional circumstances. Please read the form above carefully and submit it in an email to the school office.
Deciding Factors for Accepting Absence Requests
When considering a Request for Leave of Absence, the Head Teacher will take the following into account: the effect the absence will have on the child’s education and ability to achieve; the overall pattern of attendance and punctuality; the age of the child; the child’s stage of education; the time of year (SATs or assessments); and the particular family circumstances.
Government Guidance on Improving school attendance: support for schools and local authorities
Government Guidance on School Attendance and absence
Haringey Attendance statistics
Coldfall Primary School Attendance Policy