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Mental Health Week – Monday 20th February until Friday 24th February

Children’s Mental Health week will take place here at Coldfall on Monday 20th February until Friday 24th February. During this time, children will partake in a number of assemblies and activities that support children’s mental health and wellbeing. The theme of Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Let’s Connect’. We will spend time looking at the connections we have with our family, friends and within the school setting, which offer a strong protective factor against poor mental health. The week will end with a Dress to Express Day where we will be encouraging children and staff to use clothing as a means of personal expression. Children could wear their favourite colour, football kit, or unique piece of clothing. It can be as simple or elaborate as you like. Dress to Express is an opportunity for self-expression and celebrating a diverse range of emotions. The day also provides a great opportunity to be open about mental health and start conversations within the school community.

Please see the link below for tips and advice to help families explore the theme of ‘Let’s Connect’ and other practical resources for supporting your child’s mental health.