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Weekly reminder 21st - 25th October 2024

Whole School

The annual FOC Fireworks Night will be held on Friday 8th November. Grab your tickets and volunteer to help on a stall . FOC need parent volunteers to be able to put on these fantastic events so please do sign up for a lot.

Also, the FOC are having a Halloween cake sale after school (3.30pm) on Friday 25th October. Please come along and celebrate the start of the half term holiday with a delicious home-made cake.

Community Gardening - Wednesday 23rd October, 3:45-4:30 on the school allotment (to the left of the Main Hall, just behind the playhouse). FREE, drop-in session with Mrs Greene. This week, we'll be planting bulbs that you can take home with you. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Please make sure you download the Arbor app as Parents’ Evening bookings will be bookable after half term break via the app only.

On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December at 18.00 we are holding our annual Christmas Concert in support of EducAid. All children in Year 5 and 6 will be performing on both evenings. Children who sing in Junior Chorus with Mrs Gazzard will be performing on Tuesday 17th only. More information will follow in due course but in the meantime please save the date to ensure you and your children can attend.

Don’t forget, we will be celebrating the Harvest Festival on Friday 25th October. Children can dress in Autumn colours or as farmers. We ask that each child brings in £1 for EducAid and a tin or non-perishable food item for our local soup kitchen. The Soup Kitchen have said they would really love to receive tinned soup this year.

Please note any clothing that is not clearly named will be donated to Friends of Coldfall each Friday for their second-hand uniform sales. Any named lost property will be returned to your child’s class or can be collected from the playground every Friday after school.

Booking for Night Owls for the next term (from January) will be available from 5th November.


The Nursery Sing-a-Longs will be On Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am and 2.30pm.


The Nativities will be on the following dates:

Chaffinch – Monday 9th December at 3pm

Dove – Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am

Eagle – Tuesday 10th December 3pm

Year 2

The Year 2 performances of the Nut Cracker will be on the following dates:

Kingfisher – Thursday 12th December 9.15am

Kestrel - Thursday 12th December 3pm

Kookaburra – Friday 13th December 9.25am

Year 4

On Friday 25th it is Pelican class assembly.

Year 6

It is Toucan class’s turn to head to Tollesbury. We hope the children have a wonderful time.