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What is happening at Coldfall this week (12th-16th June)

We would like to give our congratulations, and express our pride, to our SEN swimming team who have won South East England SEN Swimming Gala Championship. Well done to everyone who competed! You should all be very proud of your hard work.

Please be reminded of the following:

Whole School

  • Please make any outstanding payments as soon as possible.
  • Children from Reception-Year 6 will be watching a performance of The Hobbit on 14th May.
  • We are recruiting new Teaching Assistants and an After School Club Play worker for September. If you, or someone you know, would be interested please see the ‘Vacancies’ page on our website for more information.
  • It is going to be very hot next week! Please ensure children have sunscreen, a hat that shades their face and ears and a water bottle in school. Please clearly label these items with their full name and class.
  • Whilst at school, long hair should be tied back. From Monday, children with long hair that is loose will be given a hair band and instructed to tie it back.
  • You may know that June is Pride month. On Monday 12th June, we invite the children to dress in their favourite colour to show respect for our diverse Coldfall community.

Nursery – please ensure that any adults collecting children from Nursery are aware that they must not stay on the school grounds. If collecting other children, they should wait outside the school gates until they are opened.

Nursery will enjoy a lovely Nursery Rhyme workshop on the morning of Wednesday 14th June.

Year 1 – on Friday 16th June it is Goldfinch class assembly.

Year 4 – on Friday 16th June there is a health and fitness workshop.