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Weekly reminder 11th –15th March 2024

Whole School

  • On Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th March we have Parents’ Evening. Please be aware that, due to the number of appointments, teachers must keep these meetings to 10 minutes only in order to stay on schedule. Please note, if you have booked and SEND Support Meeting with Miss Buckley, you do not need to attend Parents’ Evening next week.
  • As Parents’ Evening is on 13th and 14th March there will be no Activity Clubs on these days. Please collect your child at 3.30pm. You have not been charged for these sessions. Night Owls and Early Years After School Club will run as normal.
  • Cosmetics such as lip gloss and body spray are not appropriate for school. Please ensure your child does not bring these in. If required, children may bring in a clear lip balm.
  • We are going to be counting our plastic waste at school as part of the Big Plastic Count. It’s an easy and fun way to get a real sense of how much plastic we use and throw away every day, and the data we collect will help put pressure on the government and businesses to reduce plastic packaging.  We encourage you to take part at home too – details via this link:


Eagle Class will be visiting Coldfall Woods for Forest School with Mrs Greene on Monday 11th March.

Year 4

Next Wednesday 13th March Year 4 will be going into Coldfall Woods to support our learning on rainforests. Please ensure children have appropriate footwear and coats. Thank you!

Year 5

Please can children in Swan Class bring either an apron or old t-shirt to school on Monday 18th and Friday 22nd March to protect their uniform from messy art work. Thank you.

Year 6

Year 6 children will be going on a local history walk (weather permitting) around Muswell Hill to see and discuss local sites that were bombed in World War II. These walks will take place on the following days:

  • Toucan class – Monday 11th March 14:00-15:20
  • Wren class – Wednesday 13th March 14:00-15:20
  • Woodpecker class – Thursday 14th March 14:00-15:20

Please ensure children have weather appropriate coats and suitable shoes on these days.