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Weekly reminder 18th – 22nd March 2024

Whole School

  • The last day of term is Thursday 28th March and we will break up at 1.30 pm. There will be no Night Owls, Early Years After School Club or Activity Clubs on this day.
  • You are invited to attend a special ‘Stay and Play’ session. Each session will run from 9-10.30am approximately.

Year 1 - 27th March

Year 2 - 26th March

Year 3 - 25th March 3pm

Year 4 - 25th March

Year 5 - 27th March

Year 6 - 26th March

  • Activity Clubs – we have added two more Activity Clubs to our ever-growing provision.

Knitting club will be available to book on Monday 25th March, along with our other clubs, for Year 5 and 6. It will be run by Fraser, a knitting specialist with a MA from Central Saint Martins. Beginners and more experienced knitters welcome!

Game Design Club will introduce computer programming in a fun way, allowing children to design their own interactive animations, games and stories in 2D/3D environments.

Please see the updated Activity Club timetable attached.

  • This is the final reminder to enter the Royal Academy Young Artists Show!  Applications close on 27th March at 5pm.


Dove class will be heading to the Woods with Mrs Greene on Monday 18th March. Thank you to the volunteers who make these little excursions possible. There is also a Reception Farm Trip on Thursday 21st (Eagle and Chaffinch) and Friday 22nd (Dove).  Children must arrive at school on time, in uniform, with a packed lunch that they can carry.  Please ensure you have paid via SchoolMoney.

Year 4

Due to the unexpected downpour this afternoon, we will sadly need to reschedule our trip to the woods. We will let you know as soon as possible when we have a date.

It is Pelican Class assembly on Friday 22nd March.

Year 6
On Tuesday 26th March, Year 6 will take part in a DT Day where they will make their own steady hand game! We would love parent volunteers to come and lend a hand. The times are 11:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 15:15. If you are available to help, please let me know. For the steady hand game, all resources have been provided by the school. The only item we need children to bring in is one 9 vault battery. We do have some, but not enough for each child. It would be fantastic if the children could bring in their own. These can be brought in from next week. Children will have their World War II experience day on Wednesday 27th March. They can come into school in World War Two clothing. They will be taking part in VE Day dancing, Make do and Mend, coding, Dig for Victory. They will also attend a talk by Gloria who will share her and her family's experience of World War II. Please see messages from your class reps for specifics for each class.