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Our Golden Threads

At Coldfall, we want our children to use their knowledge, skills and understanding to have a positive impact on themselves, their families, their community and the wider world. This is why we have the following themes, known as our 'Golden Threads', running through our curriculum that reflect Coldfall’s specific context and community. These are:

Golden thread 1: Diversity and Inclusion

‘Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice and belonging is having that voice be heard’

At Coldfall there are approximately 52 different languages spoken by children and cultures, religions, heritage and traditions from all around the world. Our curriculum at Coldfall reflects this in the stories that the children read in the class libraries to Geography and History units that they study. For example, in History children learn about Famous Londoners including Mary Seacole and also the Windrush generation as well as the impact of Black Britons.

In Geography children learn about their local area but also visit the Mediterranean, Sierra Leone and North and South America.

Our displays and environments are reviewed by our Inclusion and diversity team so that we ensure that children from all backgrounds can recognise themselves in their learning and their school.

Golden thread 2: Sustainability and Environment

“Each one of us matters, has a role to play, and makes a difference. Each one of us must take responsibility for our own lives, and above all, show respect and love for living things around us, especially each other.” – Jane Goodall

Coldfall has a longstanding commitment to sustainability and looking after the environment. We were the first school in Haringey to achieve ‘Green Flag’ status which recognises our commitment throughout towards making sure that the school is environmentally friendly. We generate our own electricity through solar panels, celebrate and participate in Earth hour as well as having a team of students, called Star squad who promote eco-initiatives such as litter picking and walking to school.

In the curriculum we explicitly plan for environmental issues to be considered. In Geography the theme of What are we doing to look after the world? Is present throughout the children’s learning. They consider rising temperatures, the impact of plastics and air pollution, amongst others.

Golden thread 3: Moral Values

‘Education without moral values is like a ship without a compass…..merely wandering.’ Martin Luther King

The school has an extensive cycle of values that are repeated on a two-year cycle in assemblies and celebrations. At Coldfall it is our belief that building successful learners is rooted in a strong moral sense.

The Coldfall curriculum contains many opportunities for children to consider and learn about the moral values of: courage, freedom, self- belief, equality, fairness, enthusiasm, perseverance, citizenship, wisdom, thankfulness, empathy, courtesy, excellence, forgiveness, generosity, humility, loyalty, patience, resilience, thoughtfulness, love, fun, friendship, kindness, respect, honesty, peace, trust, creativity and hard work.

Golden Thread 4: Activism and being an Upstander

‘Whenever one person stands up and says ‘This is wrong’ it helps others to do the same.’

As well as learning about issues and considering them at Coldfall we want to impress on our children that they have the power to effect change and have a positive impact on the world around them. In the curriculum children learn about anti-Semitism in WWII, Rosa Parks, Immigration to Britain and Fair Trade.

In addition, whole school initiatives such as raising money for the Educaid charity that provides Free school places to children in Sierra Leone, celebrating peace, ‘Make a difference Day’ projects, and individual fundraising and awareness activities, initiated by children, are celebrated and publicised in the school newsletter or Golden Book Assemblies.

We firmly believe that everyone is entitled to an ambitious curriculum and our curriculum design is accessible for all, including children with SEND and disadvantaged backgrounds.